Installation cisco Packet Tracer 5.2 Ubuntu

Installation cisco Packet Tracer 5.2 Ubuntu
Cisco Packet tracer is an application made for cisco which aims to help students (who will take the certification cisco) we can equate a packet tracer to this is a simulation program network devices.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Glimpse Bloger Community

Write simple tips for maintaining a quality blog: write what is already understood, Making the link that is, maximize the information, Just 250 words, write down the title, interesting lists, descriptions, Give a brief under the title, Using a consistent style of writing, importance of keyword , and do the editing before posting.

Blogger C-006

Success blog is easy to say, but not necessarily easy to practice, because the community to create the best always learn based on experience and results of discussion in the community blogger.
When we read a blog, it can recognize a few things, such as how the idea, the content is interesting and many things about the kind of knowledge that is presented as coming from a variety of experiences.
This is quite interesting to learn, so that our blog is not worth the read for all people. Do I personally have been able to make a good blog? Of such is the aim, but once again that good judges are those who read the blog that we created.
As a discourse, delivered here a few things that need to:
Write what is already understood, for us to be more easy to write. Why? Because as the practice, common akan understand the work, so write to be more comprehensive than if we are not the practice. Is not easy, but you can try, although still in the ugly result. For example, if we write the recipes, so if we are not the person will practice once invisible if any posts are copy and paste from the book. Iya Kan! Therefore, we can make in writing the basis Blog.
Create a link that is, the section is important to learn. If we write 700 words in a post, then we need to provide links as pembading any posts in the blog or other web. Why is important? Because the presence of anchor tex, if readers want to understand more, will soon be able to get. This is a support post for us to get back links, which are generally used as the rich in the lead.
Maximize the information, a part of the readers to determine which can recognize more about our exposure any posts. Indeed, I have not been able to do this, which is generally how we deliver the information with a lot of brush, clear and solid and interesting to readers. We, already renowned the world outside, that is very clever to create the concept. But, often encountered in essence is how the problems are not the focus. Not easy to do, but we can try to see our previous post. Initially, the post may, if we read in the back will be very funny, but with the day-to-day full post akan also discovered that there is a less perfect.
Fair 250 words, which is presented to save space. This is also not easy. Why? Because we write with the usual 750 words or less it seems fitting. Whether we can accept this? The most important exercise is to write down the first content with a short, clear and solid and interesting to readers. Habits that we do in writing the idea is different. Some have a direct to a computer, there is a lot of searching for material from the internet as a consideration and there are also write a draft with a pencil on paper. That's up to all the habits of each, so select the most appropriate.
Write down the titles of interest, we can easily learn, with the example of many examples. Where is it? We can only open a newspaper sbuah, and we see how the title is presented. Expertise write an interesting title to read by the search engines is important if we post in the index easily. This simple exercise for us, but probably only because it is still in phase of the exercise so that you can not realize the significance of the title to make this post is also important.
Lists, it becomes easier to read. We can see some sample data as a result of comparing things. We will feel more comfortable if that is easy to see the list in reading or small graphs. There can be understood that the average site visitor, such as us, may be only 25% read only in the computer screen, so the ease of reading we will take the post easier to understand.
Give diskripsi summary under the title, so that anyone who will read the whole article is not disappointed. Why? Because we like, if you read the blog very often only read a few words on the course, and if interested to continue until a new low. From experience, we can try to make this short diskripsi, Sometimes is difficult to make this, but the public is made about the first 50 words as diskripsi entire blog.
Using a consistent style of writing, become an important part for the use. Why? We write with a regular, so have special characteristics, because of the fact that there are all bloger very much about writing style. If we can do with consistent, then become a part of will always remember in our blog by readers. Are there any good? Actually it depends of the taste of readers, but since the beginning prepared with each post, there are certainly similarities on delivery.
It is important to insert keywords in the article are as easy for search engines to find us any posts. Keywords are typically used language we use when looking for something on the internet. Until this day, to language indonesia munkin not be in the index, but to practice the English language article is a guideline that needs to be more.

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The process of editing, is the difficult part. Why? Because of that we do is often too quickly satisfied with the results of our any posts. Let's try this when we make any posts in the Words, and the next day we check again, we find certain things that are still not quite fit. Here we do the editing so that both our results any posts.

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